This game DOES NOT WORK on older devices such as iPhone 4!!!! I wrote the following review several weeks ago when I first purchased game. I have since learned that many others have had same problem, and since the devs dont seem to care that people are paying for something that doesnt work I felt I should warn people. What follows is my original review.- I was happy to see a new game come out that didnt require a newer device to play, I was equally bummed out when I tried to start said game and all I got was the "Point n Click" screen before it shut down. I tried deleting and re-installing several times with same results. I am using iPhone4. Not sure if thats the problem but if it is THEY SHOULD STATE THIS in "requirements". If thats not the prob I would like to know what is, and also if anyone else has had this prob. Cant really rate something I cant play!!! (I bumped this after update to keep people warned)
Yallmakethebestgames about Mystery of Haunted Hollow ~